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By Joe Newby,

How despicable, fearful, and desperate are Democrats these days? Consider this. On Wednesday, the UK Daily Mail reported that Democrat Rep. Vicente Gonzalez featured a grossly-edited photo of Republican Rep. Mayra Flores in a campaign ad.

According to the report:

The ad, which focused on school safety and gun control, was posted Monday to Gonzalez’s Twitter. It targeted Flores for her first congressional vote against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in the weeks following the massacre at a Uvalde, Texas school.

The ad uses an edited picture of Flores that was originally posted to her Instagram in early 2022.

Here’s the photo in question:


The edited picture includes an ominous green-ish filter and appears to have been edited to give Flores’ eyebrows a tilted, more aggressive look.

Here’s the ad posted to Twitter:

Here’s the actual picture Rep. Mayra Flores posted to Instagram:

See the difference?

“Gonzalez did not disclose that the photo he used was doctored,” the Daily Mail said. This means it was “disinformation” intended to paint Flores negatively.

So, why is Twitter letting this stay up? And why isn’t Gonzales being banned for pushing election disinformation?

Oh, wait, Gonzales is a Democrat and is therefore allowed to exercise his liberal privilege…

Actually, it’s very believable. Especially given the anti-democratic nature of the Democrat Party.

Good question. There’s one way to head that off — defeat him at the ballot box and the rest of the Marxist Democrat Party.

Cross-Posted with Conservative Firing Line.


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